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[ 149 ] Recommended Venues

180 Persons

180 Sitting

*SCAPE Treetop
2 Orchard Link, Singapore 237978
Starts at $1800
Call Venue

4400 Persons

4000 Sitting

2 Orchard Link, Singapore 237978
Starts at $2400
Call Venue

75 Persons

40 Sitting

Palate Sensations Cooking School
10 Biopolis Rd, Singapore 138670
Starts at $5000
Call Venue

250 Persons

200 Sitting

KF1 Karting Circuit
1 Turf Club Ave, Singapore 738078
Starts at $28
Call Venue

120 Persons

80 Sitting

Axe Factor
2 Gunner Ln, Singapore
Starts at $350
Call Venue
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Operating Hours:

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